
Service Review Hamilton Indoor Leisure and Aquatic Centre


Service Review: Hamiliton Indoor Leisure and Aquatic Centre

Client: Southern Grampians Shire Council, Victoria 

Project Completed: March 2024

Project Description:
Hamilton Indoor Leisure and Aquatic Centre Service Review to provide Council with a detailed analysis of centre operations to identify opportunities to improve the utilisation and economic performance of the Leisure Centre. LARCAN was also required to undertake extensive community engagement to inform the recommendations within the Service Review.

Project Deliverables:
⦁ Extensive internal stakeholder engagement with Council teams, centre staff, user groups, and potential new user groups to understand opportunities, barriers, and challenges of the centre.
⦁ Participate in site visits (announced and unannounced) to review operational management practices to determine opportunities for improvements and enhancements.
⦁ Undertake an extensive operational review to determine ways in which the centre could reduce its operating subsidy and drive greater activation. This included program, services, sustainability, and maintenance reviews and modelling.
⦁ Review staff models and centre rostering to explore other opportunities for enhancements.
⦁ Community and demographic analysis to understand if the centre was achieving benchmark community participation and program enrolment numbers.
⦁ Compile a future budget which contained outcomes of the report’s recommendations on improvements that could be made.
⦁ Prioritisation of recommendations in a logical and practical order for Council to easily implement in the short term, medium term, and longer term.
⦁ Identify capital improvement requirements for the centre and how these can be funded in future years.
⦁ Provide a final report and business case to Council showing the results of the demographic and community profiling analysis, results of stakeholder engagement, operational review, recommendations, and future budget models demonstrating the savings that would be made if Council adopted the recommendations.

LARCAN undertook extensive community engagement with the local community, key user groups, facility staff and managers and community groups to inform the future directions and recommendations within the service review. In addition, LARCAN undertook a review of financial performance and recommendations to improve the economic performance of the facility as well as identification of opportunities to improve the centres utilisation of the community and meet community needs into the future. LARCAN also provided a review of the community demographics, trends and identification of gaps in services and programs based on the local community profile, all similar outputs to that required in the aquatic facilities strategy.

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